Monday, 28 September 2009


Hey hey!!
Hope you spent a wonderful weekend and are ready now for a new week of work:)
As I didn't put any post this summer...I decided to show you today my trip to Russia from July 2009! My mother is russian so I have a very strong emotional link with this country. I love it and hate it in the same time! When I was there...after some time I wanted to come back in Europe...when I am in Europe I want to come back in Russia:)...crazy..ah?!
The main reason of this trip was the marriage of one of the best friends of my brother...who is also like a brother to me...he's name is Boris.
So me, my brother and other good friends came to Moscow from all corners of the world:) It was so nice to see everybody cause we didn't see each other one year or maybe more...
There are a lot of beautiful places to visit it the Red Square, the ''
Poklonnaya hill'', gerenal it's so different from Europe..the architecture..the atmothphere ..that everything that you see there it's new and interesting... Usually in Moscow the weather is like in's not very hot and it's raining very often...this time it was amayzing...may be even too warm for me... So the only thing that I could possibly wear to feel I am a person who loves fashion and clothes I couldn't choose this option.:)...I wore one of my favorite dresses from Pepe Jeans is very confortable...sweet&sexy in the same time! I wear this dress also in winter with black tight, leather jacket, sometime with high hills, some time with low boots...

( my brother and I)

( wearing Pepe Jeans dress, Jonak shoes, Mango bag, Urban Outfitters ear ring)

And this is what I wore the second day I think (don't remember) . I love hats and jackets. A jacket gives me confidence and posture. A hat - makes me feel more ''bad girl'':)...I think, a hat can make a simple outfit to look gives it a personality...Hopefully my mom also loves I can borrow from her:)

(me and my brother again. wearing: hat- don't remember the brand,sorry,Mango- jacket, blouse, belt, bag, Levis shorts, Jonak shoes)

Just came back from a conference based on the subject " How to buy or sell a business''. It was very inspiring and interesting. I am glad that I went there. But felt a bit unconfortable cause there were just men (50-65 years old)...and me (25) almost the only ''woman'' in the room..standing in a corner...trying to seem confident...anyway...I was smyling to them from time to time it went well:)

It's 00h05 here, feeling a bit tired...!
I'll post these days some other pictures from Moscow and also photos from Saint Petersburg.
If you'll have one day the opportunity to go to Russia, please go to Saint will not regret it!

ok...feel that my eyes will close in any minute:))
kiss kiss everybody and talk to you soon!

Saturday, 26 September 2009


(wearing Mango shirt, Levis shorts, NafNaf leather bag, Mango shoes, Louis Vuitton silk kerchief)

Hi hi every one!
Lately...especially the last 2 month...I was feeling lost! Don't know how to explain this feeling, but didn’t know anymore what I really want in life....who I am and what are my goals. Which is really strange for me...cause usually I am the opposite....

This is also one of the reasons why I didn’t continue this blog.
In last 2 month I made stupid things which just took my energy and time...

I am realizing that time pass so quickly that we don’t have the luxury to waste it.
So one of the things that I did is to really FOCUS on myself and my needs...and the most important, to define my professional goals...At the beginning was hard...but little by little started to see more clear what I want to do...and now, am feeling much more better.

Today I went with my BF Kamelia to see the movie about Anna Wintour ''The September Issue''. One of the thing that I admire is her determinacy and confidence. There are a lot of positive things that I should learn from her:))

Before the movie we met my brother, and took a drink.I love days like this...when i spent it with my BF!

Enjoy your Sunday!



Friday, 25 September 2009


My dear friends,

I's been a long time...but will come back soon...with new and stories!

Have a great weekend!


Monday, 4 May 2009

...just a piece of my life...

Hey Hey!!

The last week was kind of's funny cause some weeks or weekends nobody calls me or invites me to the party...and sometime is too much calls and too much parties:)

I went to this party on Thursday called Playa was a hall decorated like a beach with sand, and was amazing...on Friday i had a girls night and after a dinner we went to Mirano to the Martini-Bacardi party...and on Saturday...i went with my brother to another party...
So...sincerely, yesterday and even today i am still tired...:)...

My week started good...a had a job interview today...and no matter what will happen, i am happy cause i actually have interviews:)
also today i have been with my Mom to see Coco before Chanel....i liked it but expected something more...It was a wonderful day so i finally could wear shorts without tights:)..what a pleasure:)

(Mango Jacket, H&M t-shirt, Levis shorts,Sacha shoes, Meli Melo bracelet, and in my hair- H&M ring)

My MOM:)

ahh and yesterday i went to see He's just not that into you with Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck , Drew Barrymore...I LOVED this funny and so real ...:)

Wish you a nice week!

Monday, 27 April 2009

I Love ITALY!!!

The last days I have a problem with Internet it's really hard to download pictures and in general to open websites...hope that my brother will soon fix this problem cause it's really annoying...! it is even difficult to visit your blogs...ahhhhh...!!!

so my only solution for the moment is to post pictures that I have already in my computer...
I decided to show you my trip to Italy!

I have a friend that i knew in Paris- Alessandro...we were doing our internship in the same he invited me to Italy , and me, of course I went:)
He lives in Brescia - a lovely city situated in the North of Italy, 100km from Milan!
The mountains -Les Alpes and a big lake ''Lago di Garda'' are not very far...the nature is really amazing there...

Girls...are very feminine and sexy, wearing high hills even on Sunday...
Also i noticed that they like white shirt, i saw many girls in white shirt and jeans...classic but nice!!!

So i came on Friday night around 9pm, and Alessandro was waiting for me at the airport with his friend Luca - handsome guy - and he knows it:)

Luca went to a party, me and my friend went to a restauran...a typical Italian restauran where the owner knows every client, and his mother is always around to help him with everything...
I must say that Italian food is delicious, and the wine also:)

He's the owner of the restaurant-I forgot his name...

The second day we went to Milan. The center city is beautiful, with cathedral Duomo, and a looott of shops....but in general the city it's not so nice ( it's my personal opinion)...

The Tramway in Milan:)

On Sunday, the weather was amazing so we went to this lake, called lago di Garda, LOVE can see it by yourself in the pictures bellow:)

Oh my brother just came...and he is distracting me on purpose:)...
...ahhh...i can not be concentrated anymore..!...i go...:)

Wish you a beautiful day tomorrow!

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

weakness and LADUREE!!!

I had to show you this!!!
It's my weakness...LADUREE macaroons...
LaDuree is one of the oldest Parisian ''boulangerie''from 1862. Now, it's consider to be the BEST of the BEST in macaroons production.

This weekend, my brother and I had some friends who came from Paris and brought us this delicious macaroons...

I couldn't post this YouTube video, but i advise you to take a look, it's really beautiful -, and also you can check their website!


Monday, 20 April 2009

Flowers and Heaven!!!

It has been almost one week that I didn't post and I have the impression that it has been forever:)

...and you know what...I realised that i really missed here I am again...telling you my life:)

This week , Thursday I think...i went to Netherland, to a city near Amsterdam , to visit a big big floral park....Everywere, we were sorounded by flowers, really amayzing...there were lands of flowers , especially tulips...The weather was good, and I spent a very nice day:)

I came back at 8 pm, was so tired that only thought was to go to bed ...but my brother invited me to a party, and as i am the worst person to say NO, especially to a party:)...I went...
In fact, it's a party (each Thursday) which, at the beginning was organised for the European Union Commission interns, but now it's for everybody!:))
That night i met 2 american boys:)...they were so nice..for the first time in my life i trusted some strangers so quiqly:))...I could practice my English with I was happy:))

This weekend I spent with my family, and friends...eating, laughing...didn't go out!!!

I have to share with you the beauty that i saw in Netherland...hope you can see it also one day!:)

Sorry ... I put a lot of pictures..but I really wanted to post them all!!!
Have a nice week!

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

The SERIES fever!!!

Who saw the MTV series THE HILLS and THE CITY?...I feel a bit stupid cause I know that it started already long time ago...but I discovered them just now and I am obsessed with!:)
So I finished 4 days ago THE CITY and started to watch THE has to be the opposite, but anyway...don't really matter now:)) I am already at the 3Th season:)

I like more THE CITY...I mean...the story itself is not so interesting for me...but if I take all together, the outfits, NY and Whitney...I can say that I enjoyed it.
Guys, now I want even more to go to New York's my dream. I have a question. Are
people dressed in NY like we can see in THE CITY, or like in all fashion magazines when they show NY street fashion?

Cause...sincerelly...poeple think that Paris are like one of the most stylish city...but I lived there for more than 2 years and can tell you that in Paris,
people on the streets are dressed very simple, in black,'s true that in fancy areas, or fancy clubs, you can see girls with an individual style but I would say is like 15% of all the people. May be I am wrong, but I had this impression.

I found that in London, it's different,
people can express themselves through fashion easier than in Paris. Despite all of this, PARIS is my favorite city in the world and I want to come back living there.:)))

Anyway, I don't care where I will be, Paris, Brussels or another city, I will keep my style, and my way to dress everywhere:)))....this is what I wore yesterday....

Align Centre

(Mango cardigan, French Connection treggins, Sacha shoes -a belgium brand, H&M white T-shirt, the silver chain ,if i can say like this in english - is from a french unknown designer, and the black watch- a belgium small uknown designer)

I go back to THE HILLS:))...

Take care

Aaaaahhhhh...I almost forgot to show you my 2 favorite songs ( that I heard at THE CITY):))...of course...wasn't complicated to guess). Hope you'll like it like me I am!!!
ok...i definitely go now:)))

Monday, 13 April 2009

Pick of the week!!!

Hello my dear readers,

Like I promis here are the winners for the last ''Pick of the week'' ...Rachel Bilson and Sophia's ''égalité'':)

...and the new outfits to choose are...

What do you like more:
1. Anne Valerie Hash
2. Carolina Herrera
3. Brian Reyes
4. D&G
5. YSL

Happy Easter everybody!